With an objective of providing comprehensive information on constitutional provision of federal system of Nepal, related structural arrangement and efforts made so far to institutionalize the federal system of governance, The Centre for Federalism Studies under Nepal Administrative Staff College prepared a book titled, “नेपालको संघीय शासन प्रणाली”. The book was launched by the Honorable Minister Hridayesh Tripathi today on Mangsir 29 ( Dec 14, 2020) via an online platform Zoom.
The program was chaired by the Executive Director of NASC, Dr. Rajan Khanal. Program was moderated by Senior Director of Studies at NASC, Mr. Bishnu Lamsal where he explained the context when the book was written. Director of studies at NASC, Mr. Trilochan Pokharel (Lead Author) introduced the objective of the book and gave a brief overview of the book which was followed by brief speeches from Ms. Meghan Nalbo ( Country representative of The Asia Foundation) and His excellency. James Hazell (charge d’ Affairs of Australian Embassy).
Former Executive Director of Nepal Administrative Staff College, Mr. Punya Prasad Neupane (Advisor of the book) highlighted the importance of the book towards creating common understanding of related stakeholders in interpretation of constitutional provision and federal system of Nepal. Hon. Balananda Poudel (Chairman of National Natural Resources and Fiscal commission) further added that bringing together all relevant resources in one consolidated document is a praiseworthy effort and adds value to all related stakeholders.
Hon. Balkrishna Khand ( Chief Whip of Nepali Congress) expressed the importance of continued research and analysis in such areas. Hon. Shashi Shrestha, Chairman, State Management Committee, House of Representatives provided her remarks on the book and its content where she highlighted important aspect of book and provided feedback on some sections for further enrichment.
After launching the book, Hon. Minister Hridayesh Tripathi expressed the importance of such beginnings in areas of research and studies of federal affairs as conducted by Centre for Federalism studies. He further added that since this book contains laws and provisions in a consolidated form, it is worth reading and an importance reference material.
In closing remarks, Dr. Rajan Khanal ( Executive Director of NASC) highlighted the importance of continuous research towards stability of federal system. He further added that this book will also be used as a training resource materials in NASC’s trainings. He also thanked everyone for their valuable presence in the program.
You can watch the recorded video of the event here: