Public Service Training Department (PSTD)


The main objectives of PSTD are to:

•      design and provide a wide range of need-based, quality training and development opportunities to improve the capabilities of individuals working at different levels in civil service and other public organizations;

•      deploy staff assigned to the department;

•      identify development needs and coach staffs accordingly;

•      monitor, evaluate, coordinate and quality control of various activities carried out by centers within the department and

•      introduce innovative and pragmatic approaches to training

Major Functions

The major functions of the PSTD are split into functional streams and thematic streams. Each is described below:

Functional Streams

•      Undertake regular survey and studies for analysing and identifying training needs in civil service and other public organizations and develop various “core” and “result-oriented” training programmes.

•      Deliver a range of core courses for employees of civil service and other public organizations.

•      Design and organize the training programmes involving different subject areas or disciplines in one package.

•      Develop and produce original, standardized and relevant training materials

•      Provide complementary support to other departments, centres and units operating within NASC.

Thematic Streams

PSTD has been responsible mainly for designing and implementing core training programmes covering various subjects and disciplines in one package, i.e., those programmes which do not directly fall within the scope of any one single specialized centre of NASC. Specifically, its training functions consist of mix of two or more of the following thematic streams:

•      Managerial skills

•      Office management

•      Financial management

•      Human resource management

•      Organization development

•      Development approaches

•      Development planning

•      Project planning and management

•     Governance and state management

•     Administrative Federalism

•     Information management

•     Others (i.e. those areas falling within the functional scope of more than one centre of NASC)


There are two centres within the PSTD. Objectives and functions of each centre are described below:

1. Centre for In-service Training

2. Centre for Induction Training