Title: Fiscal Decentralization (FD) in Nepal: A case of Banepa Municipality
Speaker: Mr.Mahesh Parajuli
Fiscal Decentralization is a high policy agenda in most countries around the world assuming to achieve efficiency and good governance values such as accountability, transparency, and less corruption. Several studies demonstrated the mixed results while evaluating components and influence of fiscal decentralization especially in developing countries as its highly contextual nature. Nepal has been implementing a fiscal decentralization policy for two decades. In the case of Nepal, a little number of researches has been done to analyze the process of fiscal decentralization as well as its influence at the local level. Almost no study has been carried out about how a municipality incorporated the fiscal decentralization process at the local level in Nepal.
Details of the program:
Date: 20 August 2019 (3 Bhadra 2076), Tuesday
Time: 16.00-17.30 Hrs
Venue: Prithivi Hall, Dikshya Sadan, Nepal Administrative Staff College, Jawlakhel, Lalitpur
Mr. Acharya is currently working as an Under Secretary in the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA). He has completed his Master’s program in Public Administration Local Government from Sungkungkwan University, Korea in 2018.