The closing and certification ceremony of “Leading Change: Organizational Development Intervention (ODI)” training program organized for the Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) of Bagmati and Gandaki provinces was held today on Magh 11, 2081 amidst the gracious presence of dignitaries and the senior management team of Nepal Administrative Staff College.
The 3 days Training of Trainers for the officials of public and private institutions ended today (Magh 11,2081) with graduation ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Senior Director of Studies Mr. Binod Kumar Bista and Director of Studies Ms. Anita Poudel also graced the event. On behalf of participants, Dr.
The 3 day "Training of Trainers" program commenced today (9 Magh, 2081) at Bagmatii Hall on the gracious presence of Department Head and Senior Director of Studies Mr. Binod Kumar Bista. 23 participants from different public and private organizations are present in this training program.
The UBA Solutions Training Program officially began on Magh7, 2081, and will run until Magh 22, 2081. The opening ceremony brought together UBA Solutions and Nepal Administrative Staff College. The Center Chief, Anita Poudel, shared her pleasure in working with the IT sector, as Nepal Administrative Staff College mainly works with the public and government sectors.
Commencement of the "Leading Change: Organizational Development Intervention" training program organized for the Chief Administrative Officers of Local Governments. The program is organized from Magh 7-11, 2081.
Commencement of the Managerial Excellence Training for the Officials of National Examinations Board. The training program is organized from Paush 24-26, 2081 and comprises of 25 officials of National Examinations Board.
"Inspiring Minds: NASC Welcomes a New Batch of Enthusiastic Officials from Employees Provident Fund!"
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