The seventh batch of B2- Course (Procurement of works & Consultancy services) under Capacity Development and Professionalization (CDP) started physically from November 22, 2021. The opening ceremony of the training program was attended by nominated officers from federal and province ministries; government and public agencies with all necessary precautions and safety guidelines issued by the Government of Nepal.
In the opening ceremony, Senior Director of Studies, NASC, and Head of Governance and Development Management Learning Group (GDMLG) Mr.Trilochan Pokharel was present as chief guest of the program, Mr. Ashok Kumar Jha was representing ITC/ILO, Mr.Baburam Shrestha, Procurement Trainer, were present in the opening ceremony along with NASC officials.
ITC/ILO representative for CDP Program Jha shared training duration, the objective of the program, and the need for collaboration of institutions like The World Bank, PPMO, ITC/ILO, and NASC for capacity development of human resources in the public institutions and contributing to the development of the country.
Senior Director of Studies-NASC, Mr. Pokharel welcomed the participants of the programme and explained the mandate for NASC to provide the necessary training for the employees of the Government of Nepal and Public Enterprises. He expected a young and energetic group of participants present for this B2 Training will be able in improving spending of Budget and public resources with optimum utilization assisting the development of the country after the successful completion of this course.
The training program on the Procurement of Works & Consultancy Services for four Key Sector Agencies (KSA) officials is based on the “Training Needs” initiated by the PPMO and implemented by the International Training Center (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Nepal Administrative Staff College.
The course is structured on 11 working-days agenda, where 3 sessions per day will be presented, till December 3, 2021. The coordinators for B2 Batch 7 are Mr. Shailendra Prasad Bhatt and Ashutosh Neupane.