The closing ceremony program of “Innovating Public Policy: Use of Evidence”, InnoPolE-II training was held on 28th Chaitra 2079 at Khaptad Hall of Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC). This second phase of InnoPolE training is the continuous flagship training program of NASC and Policy Research Institute (PRI) and was scheduled from 20th-28th Chaitra 2079.
The main dignitaries for the closing ceremony of the program were; Dr. Rajan Khanal, Executive Direction of NASC; Dr. Hari Sharma Neupane, Head of Research Department, PRI and Mr. Trilochan Pokharel, Department Head, GDMLG, NASC.
The closing ceremony program was conducted after the group presentations, where five groups presented their policy brief. As a part of the learning lab, participants of the training program were assigned to prepare the policy brief under the five area viz. Greener cities; Street vendor management; Market monitoring; Public service announcements and e-Payment system in transportation. The policy brief presentation was done from 10:40 am to 3:30 pm by each assigned group.
Following the policy brief presentation, the closing ceremony was held from 3:30 pm- 4:00 pm. The first part of the closing ceremony had the participant’s remarks on the overall training. On behalf of the participants’ side, Mr. Krishna Bahadur Katuwal put his remarks. He said that, the seven training was concluded in a very comfortable way. The innovative approach of training like: case based learning was very effective for the participants. Moreover, he also stated that the participants learned about the fact-based and evidence-based policy making process which was new concept to them and all the participants took that in a very enthusiastic and interesting manner. Likewise, the small steps of making and formulating the policy brief was also very effective because it’s the same work that they have to do in their work station being the Class-II officers. So, from this training, they got the new insight in terms of searching of evidence and facts to raise the questions, to identify the policy issues and formulate the policy based on the research. Further he added that the training was also very effective because of the diverse group of the participants where there were the participants from civil service, universities, national news agencies; local level. Lastly, he thanked all the team of NASC and PRI in delivering the InnoPolE training and request to continue this training in advanced level course.
After the participants’ remarks, Mr. Trilochan Pokharel put his remarks. He started his remaks by saying that the aim of InnoPolE training was to build the competences in policy building and making process. He stated that how the entire team of InnoPolE worked from the scratch level and produce the output in very simple and blended way. Mr, Pokharel reminded the participants to think and work in the concept of community of practice from their own level rather than doing criticism. Moreover, he expressed his gratitude that the all the five group with five different themes worked amazingly and deliver the policy brief in their respective themes within the seven days. During his remarks, he requested all the participants to see the policy issues from different sides and start to work on connecting the dots by using facts, data and evidences while formulating the policy. Lastly, he said that the team is planning to introduce the advanced level course which will more focused on bridging the policy gap. Mr. Pokharel concluded his remarks by congratulating all the participants and wishing Nepali New Year 2080 to everyone.
Following Mr. Pokharel was Dr. Hari Sharma Neuapne from PRI to put his remarks. He started his remarks by congratulating all the participants. He said the PRI as an institution is more focused on research based and evidence policy making process and being affiliated with the NASC in this InnoPolE training was an add on to their institution. He further added that the PRI has developed two crucial policy related documents: guideline and process which is very helpful to the participants and all the stakeholders during policy formulation and policy making process. Moreover, he informed that the PRI is always ready to help all the stakeholders involved in making policy. He also informed that PRI have been conducting various discussion forums; policy dialogues and other policy related discourse on which he requested participants to participate in those to get insights of policy formulating and policy making process. Lastly, he expressed his gratitude to NASC; PRI team and the participants in successfully commencing the training and actively participating in the training respectively.
After the remarks of Dr. Neupane, there was certificate distribution ceremony where, Dr, Rajan Khanal, Executive Director of NASC, handed the certificates to all the 22 participants of InnoPolE training.
Following certificate distribute program, Executive Director of NASC, Dr. Rajan Khanal put his closing remarks. Dr. Khanal started his remarks by saying the statement “We, NASC don’t teach, we train the participants” which he meant that there is not only the theoretical approach of training in NASC. And the example is the InnoPolE training where participants were exposed to different approach like: case based learning; consultation with the theme based experts and exposure to the different theme related government institutions and like-minded organizations. All these approaches were conducted to produce the five policy brief of five different theme and all this was done within a seven days. Dr. Khanal expressed his amazement how dedicated were the participants and the product they delivered as policy brief was very good. By saying this, he also reminded the participants that this is not the end, instead this is the beginning. He requested participants to own their policy brief and start working from scratch to make it publishable. Dr. Khanal further added that the policy brief that they have prepared is the raw one which includes so many facts, data and evidences. Therefore, now is the time to blend it and work more on it to make it effective one .and handed to the respective stakeholders or institutions. Additionally, he summed up the objective of the InnoPolE training by saying that the main mission of the policy making and formulating is the Evidence so whenever the participants or any stakeholders are involved in policy making and formulating process, they should start with evidences. Dr, Khanal concluded his remarks by giving the example of Sukrajs’ statement of “I know that I know Nothing” which means that one should always ask questions to be excelled in a positive way.
Both the policy brief presentation and closing ceremony program was hosted by Mr. Rajendra Adhikari, Center Chief, Center for Development and Policy Management (CDPM), GDMLG. The training management team of the program were: Roshani Bhujel and Ganesh Sah from CDPM, GDMLG, NASC.