Graduation Ceremony of ACMD (Group-III)

The Advanced Course on Management and Development (Group III) officially concluded on 02 Kartik, 2080 (19 October, 2023). The event was chaired by the Executive Director of NASC, Dr. Rajan Khanal. The event was also graced by the Department Head of Public Service Training Department, Mr. Trilochan Pokharel, and the Centre Head of In-Service Training, Mr. Rajendra Adhikari. Mr. Tara Prasad Kharel, deputy-director of studies, hosted the programme. 

On behalf of the participants, during the programme, Mr. Kamal Jnawali expressed the heartfelt gratitude to NASC for organising such a type of training. He further expressed his happiness, among the team, that NASC have developed the teaching-learning process that truly relates to the “centre of excellence”. He further added that learning based modules like KYE, PSI, C2C are extensively useful to gain practical knowledge. 

The department head, Mr. Pokharel, congratulated all the participants for the successful completion of the training by appreciating the participants’ effort and activeness and their support in making this training successful. He further added that the target group were performing leaders and the course designed by dividing the learning process in to different thematic areas like integrity, managing resources, managing relationship, leading with purpose etc deemed truly successful as per the activeness of the participants and their enthusiasm. 

The Executive Director, Dr. Khanal, distributed the training completion certificate to 25 participants. In his concluding remarks, he congratulated the participants for successful completion of the training and expressed the happiness of NASC family as the learning based course modules like KYE, PSI, C2C were truly successful for gaining the interest of large number of stakeholders. By adding that the new generation is not only IT friendly, they are beyond it having the characteristics of alpha generation. Hence, he requested them to apply the learning to their workplace and personal lives and cooperate with alpha-generation to improve the administrative works. He gave his best wishes to all the participants for their future endeavours.