Refresher Training of Trainers (ToT) for the officials of Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd has commenced from 03 Magh, 2079 in Kailash Hall, Sampada Sadan. The training was organized by Centre for Human Resource Management (CHRM) within Management Learning Group (MLG) and is scheduled for 03-04 Magh, 2079 (17-18 January, 2023). The training is designed for the senior officers of Buddha Air who had taken ToT in the past and has been working as Instructor/Trainer in their respective fields. There are 15 participants in the training in which 8 are male and 7 are female.
The opening event kicked off at 8 am shortly after breakfast. In the event, Mr. Basanta raj Sigdel – departmental head of MLG and Mr. Uttam Acharya – Centre Chief of CHRM were present as the dignitaries. Mr. Nabin Chapagain hosted the program welcoming the dignitaries and valued participants. Mr. Chapagain briefly highlighted about the program, its modality, the objectives behind organizing the training and the background preparation to organize the program. Mr. Chapagain remarked that this 2-day program was a compressed version of ToT. He then invited Mr. Uttam Acharya to highlight about the program. Mr. Acharya welcomed all the participants and representative Ms. Ronila Shrestha from Buddha Air. He briefed about the key components of the training and the flow of these components. He explained the relevance of facilitation and presentation skills in ToT and stressed that practicum has also been included. With the key norms of the training, he ended his speech. Mr. Chapagain thanked Mr. Acharya for his valuable remarks and added that the training has added a few components which are the results of changing circumstances caused by the pandemic of Covid-19. He then requested Mr. Basanta Raj Sigdel to provide opening remarks. Mr. Sigdel welcomed all the participants. He related ToT as essential life skills. He highlighted that only learners can make others learn and explained the difficulty of not being to convince what is right or wrong. He also explained ToT as an essential managerial skill since all the managers are trainers and they are required to train and groom up others. Briefing the training as a useful capsule, he announced the formal opening of the training. The training was then followed up by brief introduction of the participants.