Validation Program

NASC, in collaboration with UN Women, is carrying out the project “Strengthening GESI and GRB in Federal Nepal”. Under this project, there are three components of which the study on Gender Responsive Public Finance Management in Nepal: A Diagnostics and forward looking strategy is component 1. NASC successfully organized a virtual program on 30th March 2022 to validate and share the findings of the study to the related stakeholders namely: Key Informants from various ministries, Members of Parliament, Representatives from MoF, MoHA, MOALD, Inland Revenue Department, UN Women and other development partners working in the same domain: UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, PLGSP, USAID and the consultants. The program was chaired by Mr Trilochan Pokhrel, Senior Director at NASC and team leader of one of the activities: Survey of Provincial and Local government on GESI-GRB under component 1. He gave the remarks on overview of the project. Similarly, Ms Palmu Sherpa, Youth Governance Officer and Project Manager at UN Women spoke on behalf of UN Women. Ms Achala Dahal, Team lead and the Principal Researcher of this project shared the findings. Ms Antovna Gyawali hosted the program. A total of 19 people participated in the program and a few of them gave their remarks at the end.