• शुभारम्भ समारोह

    ३९औं आधारभूत प्रशासन प्रशिक्षण

  • मिति २०८१ श्रावण १६ , बुधवार ।

    प्रशिक्षण परिषद (Governing Council) को ७१ औँ बैठक ।

  • मिति २०८१ श्रावण ३ गते।

    नवनियुक्त संघीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्री माननीय राजकुमार गुप्ताज्यूलाई प्रतिष्ठानमा स्वागत

  • March 29, 2024 ( Chaitra 16, 2080)

    5th Conference on Public Policy and Governance in South Asia

  • ३८औं आधारभूत प्रशासन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रममा नेपाल प्रशासन सेवा (लेखा र राजस्व समूह), लेखापरीक्षण सेवा र परराष्ट्र सेवाका प्रशिक्षार्थी अधिकृतहरुका लागि संचालित तालिमको समापन ।

    मिति २०८१ असार ०३ गते।

About NASC

The Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) is a national level autonomous institution. It provides necessary training with career development for the employees of the Government of Nepal and Public Enterprises.

Dr. Rajan Khanal

Executive Director

The world is facing the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 since late 2019, probably the deadliest global health emergency of the millennium. This pandemic has come up with both the challenges and opportunities in public governance...

Impact we’ve made on

Government Workforce

  • 537 Training Programs Conducted
  • 17683 Total Officers Trained
  • 84 Research Activities
  • 60 Consulting Services Provided

in last 7 years (Fiscal Year 2073/74 - 2080/81)

Training Programs

Advanced Course on Management and Development (ACMD)

Role of public management is instrumental for ensuring good governance and achieving development goals of the nation. Public service is a crucial vehicle for implementing transformation efforts led by the government using new approaches and techniques of public management.

Professional Course on Management and Development (PCMD)

State capacity plays an important role to achieve public service goals of ensuring good governance and accomplishing development results. Following the promulgation of the federalist constitution in 2015, the common goal is to institutionalize the transformation and deliver the state's commitment.

Basic Administration Training (BAT)

Role of civil service is pivotal to fulfill the needs and aspirations of citizens in the changing socio-economic environment of Nepal. With the Promulgation of the new constitution, foundation of new structure of governance as federal system has been envisioned to leverage decision making authorities at local level with optimum utilization of resources; and accelerate national development activities.

Other Programs


One of the initiatives of NASC is to enhance public sector management through consulting services. Apart from regular capacity building programmes, NASC renders training, research, and management consulting services on request.


Knowledge creation is one of the fundamental inputs for public sector capacity building. NASC is moving forward in creating and sharing knowledge through empirical and policy research on a regular basis.

Executive Development

Management development program for the functional heads of the political parties is a customized programme that deals with different dimensions of federal affairs and public governance...

Research and Publication

Ms. Achala Dahal

Director of Studies

Gender Focal Person


Phone: +977-98418-90989
Email: achala.dahal@nasc.org.np

Mr. Shiva Hari Adhikari

Deputy Director of Studies

Information Officer


Phone: +977-98416-34081