NASC organized an interaction program among Chiefs of provincial level training institutes with an objective to explore possible avenues for coordination and collaboration in designing and delivering capacity building programs in changed landscape of federal system of governance. Executive Director Dr. Rajan Khanal chaired the Interaction Program. Secretary of Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration Mr. Eak Narayan Aryal, Principal Secretary and Secretaries of Provinces, Director of Local Development Training Academy (LDTA), Executive Directors of Provincial Centre for Good Governance (PCGG) and senior faculties of NASC including Deputy Executive Director Mr. Narayan Gopal Malego and Senior Director of Studies Mr. Bishnu Prasad Lamsal participated the Program.
The program was organized realizing the need for coordination and cooperation between the training institutes at the sub-national level. Executive Directors of recently established PCGGs shared their preliminary experiences and initiatives taken to develop institutional set up and conducting training and development programs at Province and Local Level. They also shared the experiences of working pre and post COVID-19, updated the organizational progress, and put forward their expectations from each other. They emphasized on the need to support PCGGs from leading training institution like NASC in standardization of training programs in terms of design and delivery and developing capacity of trainers. The discussion has been regarded as the first step for building a community and working in collaboration.
Capacity Development of human resources is the key imperative of all level of governments to ensure result oriented public service and innovative service delivery. Principal Secretary and Secretaries from Provinces also highlighted the need to intensify capacity building programs at subnational level, enhance networking and collaboration among PCGGs and federal level training institutions, Universities and technical backstopping of NASC in assessing learning needs; design, delivery and evaluation of training programs and quality improvement and standardization in all aspects of learning processes. Chairperson of the Program, Executive Director Dr. Khanal offered closing remarks and thanked all the dignitaries for their valuable presence and active participation to make the Program successful in generating discourse of quality training programs at subnational level and identifying common grounds of cooperation among training institutions. He expressed commitment that NASC will support training institutions as per their professional and institutional needs in designing and delivery of programs in the days to come. He also informed that NASC will organize such programs of sharing experiences among trainers’ community on a regular basis.
Director of Studies Mr. Basanta Raj Sigdel moderated the Interaction Program. Training and Research Officers Mr. Tara Prasad Kharel and Ms. Antovna Gyawali coordinated the program.