Seminar presentation on 'Nepal China Relationship- A Reflection Seminar' was conducted by the participants of 46th SEDP before their visit to China to attend 'Ministerial Workshop on Public Administration for Nepal'.
Nepal Administrative Staff College organized a program to welcome newly appointed Minister of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) Hon’ble Bhanubhakta Joshi on 2080 Chaitra 09. Mr. Joshi is also a Chairperson at NASC Governing Council. In the Welcome Ceremony, NASC Executive Director Dr. Rajan Khanal, Deputy Executive Director Mr. Bishnu Prasad Lamsal, Senior Directors Mr.
Centre for Human Resource Management (CHRM) within the Management Learning Group (MLG) of the Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) has commenced a 5-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program on Training Management and Facilitation Skills in collaboration with Koshi Province Research and Training Academy (KPRTA) on 18th March 2024 at the Koshi Province Research and Training Academy premise, Ka
NASC, Lalitpur: Seminar on “Sustainable Road Transport: An Economic Perspective” was conducted on Chaitra 2,
मिति २०८०/११/३० गतेका दिन नेपाल प्रशासनिक प्रशिक्षण प्रतिष्ठानको विभिन्न
With the flourish of cherry blossoms at NASC, we warmly welcome the 7th Batch of the Professional Course of Management and Development (PCMD). The journey of learning, growing and developing performing managers of tomorrow.
The certification and closing ceremony of the “Financial Management Training for Account Officials of Department of Roads” training program was held on 11 Falgun 2080 at Prithivi Hall, Dikshya Sadan. The event was chaired by the Executive Director of NASC Dr. Rajan Khanal. Senior Director of Studies and Department Head of Management Learning Group Mr.
The Management and Development Proramme (MDP) for 8th Level Officers of Civil Aviation Authority Nepal (CAAN) officially concluded on 11 Falun, 2080 (23 February, 2024). The event was chaired by the Executive Director of NASC, Dr. Rajan Khanal. The event was also graced by the Department Head of Public Service Training Department, Mr. Trilochan Pokharel, and the Mr.
CDRC conducts a half day "Project Directors/Deputy Project Directors ´ Workshop on Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion on ADB Assisted Projects: Actions for Effective Results".
नेपाल प्रशासनिक प्रशिक्षण प्रतिष्ठानद्वारा नेपाल सरकारका नव–नियुक्त राजपत्राङ्कित तृतीय श्रेणीका अधिकृतहरुका लागि आयोजित ३८औं आधारभूत प्रशासन प्रशिक्षण (Basic Administration Training) को आज मिति २०८० फागुन १० गते, बिहीबार विधिवत रुपमा शुभारम्भ गरियो । यस आध