Glimpses of the closing and certification ceremony of the Leadership and Management Training program that was organized for the 67 student officers of the Army Command and Staff College. The program commenced from 2081 Mangsir 24 – 2081 Poush 5 (December 09 - 20, 2024).
The Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) conducted Leadership and Management Conference 202
The student officers of Leadership and Management Training Program that is being organized for Student Officers of Army Command and Staff College engaged in different outdoor sports as part of “Leading Team and Engaging People – Fostering Collaborative Spirit” sessi
The 5 days Training of Trainers for the officials of Madhesh Province was concluded today (28 Mangsir 2081) after the presentations of all the participants in the formal practicum sessions. Parctipants from different field and expertise delivered their content on which Senior Director of Studies Mr. Binod Kumar Bista gave his insightful feedback.
नेपाल प्रशासनिक प्रशिक्षण प्रतिष्ठानद्वारा नेपाल सरकारका नव–नियुक्त राजपत्राङ्कित तृतीय श्रेणीका अधिकृतहरुका लागि आयोजित ३९औं आधारभूत प्रशासन प्रशिक्षण (Basic Administration Training) को आज मिति २०८१ मङ्सिर २६ गते, बुधबार विधिवत रुपमा शुभारम्भ गरियो । यस आधारभूत प्रशासन प्रशिक्षण प्रशासन समूहका अधिकृतहरुका लागि ६ महिना सम्म सञ्चालनमा रहन्छ भने वाँक
The 49th Senior Executive Development Program started from 24 Mangshir 2081. The program is participated by the 25 gazette class I or equivalent officers of Government of Nepal (GoN) working at different ministries and organizations. Executive Director Dr. Rajan Khanal chaired the opening ceremony.
he five-day Training of Trainers program, jointly organized by the Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) and the Province Research and Training Centre (PRTC) for officials of Madhesh Province, commenced today (Mangsir 24, 2081). The opening session was chaired by Mr. Binod Kumar Bista, Senior Director of Studies at NASC. Mr. Uttam Acharya, Director of Studies at NASC, and Mr.
“ Commitment towards a more aware and accountable management of public finance”
Management Learning Group ,Centre for Financial Management successfully wrapped up the “ Financial Management Training for Non-Financial Managers”. Here are some glimpses of the closing ceremony: